Joy: Happy Streaming
Streaming App for Smart TV
UX/UI Design | Creative Direction
| Icon + Asset Design
At the height of the streaming app boom, my team designed a simplified, yet highly customizable, video streaming platform with special attention to accessibility, ease-of-use, and most importantly, Joy.

of people with disabilities have canceled a streaming subscription due to accessibility barriers
of people with disabilities feel excluded from and frustrated with current streaming services
For the TV lovers, and streaming loathers.
Inconsistencies across streaming platforms and their various devices, coupled with chaotic design patterns, navigation issues, and accessibility concerns, force users to have several different mental models and make watching on-demand content unnecessarily complex.
That's where we come in: custom views for all your shows, all in one place.
Now you and Grandpa can watch together with joy.

User Profiles

Inexperienced with technology
Hearing, vision and mobility issues
Struggles adjusting to change
Unable to access core functionalities such as search and CC
Top Features: Custom Captioning, Comfort View

Highly experienced with on-demand video
Has accounts with every large streaming service
Likes to search and browse quickly
Finds current streaming services’ UI finicky
Top features: Integrated Accounts and Efficient View